The City applied for grants through the State's Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety grant program. The program's recommendation to the Legislature ("2011-2013 Prioritized Project List and Program Update" - PDF) for this biennium included these two local projects:
- Priority #7: Indian Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Project: Total $478,000 project, requested state grant funding of $193,000.
- Priority #8: Samish Way Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvement Project. Total $500,000 project, requested state grant funding of $400,000.
Indian Street Project
The Draft Sehome Neighborhood Plan 2011 (PDF) notes that "Bellingham Public Works has applied for WSDOT grant funding to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety along Indian Street between Chestnut and Oak Street" (p. 27). The City's bike map PDF shows this stretch of Indian St. already has marked bike lanes. The State grant program's report says, "The project includes curb extensions, curb ramps, pedestrian lighting at intersections, signage, parking removal, public awareness and education campaign, safe bicycling classes, enhanced traffic enforcement (2011-2013 PPLPU p. 25)."
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Samish Way Project
This is "N.Samish Way Pedestrian Safety: Flashing Crosswalks & Median, Abbott St & Consolidation Ave" noted in Bellingham's "Six-Year (2011-2016) Transportation Improvement Program" (PDF), project number 10. It will add a flashing crosswalk, center median/pedestrian refuge, and overhead lighting at both Abbott St. and Consolidation St. The crosswalks will be offset from the intersection to allow a left turn lane. The PPLPU also says the project includes a "neighborhood public awareness and safety campaign" and "target speed and crosswalk enforcement (p. 25)."![]() |
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So congratulations are due to the City for getting on the grant list, and thanks go to the Legislature for funding the projects!
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